Freedom, Wisconsin screening at NWFFest

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If you know Lucky Day Assistant Editor Molly Preston, you know that she’s an avid storyteller, talented filmmaker, and proud Wisconsin Cheesehead. 🧀 What you also may (or may not) already know is that she’s been hard at work the last few years crafting her feature film, Freedom, Wisconsin.

Written, directed, and edited by Molly herself, we are so excited to share that Freedom, Wisconsin will be screening at the 2024 Nevada Women’s Film Fest next month.

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Freedom, Wisconsin is a dark comedy that centers around Penny, a young woman who is stuck in her small-town routine. Working a job she hates. Drinking cheap beer. Crashing funerals.

Her routine is disrupted when her bartender introduces Penny to her nephew, Ephram, a struggling writer who has been biking across the Midwest in an attempt to find inspiration. When Penny’s bartender suggests that Ephram stay with Penny, she begrudgingly allows him to camp in her front yard.

Will Penny’s funeral crashing days come to an end? Has Ephram found a muse to inspire the next great American novel?

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In Molly’s own words:

“Freedom, Wisconsin is a love letter to the place that I still consider home. To me, the feeling of being in Wisconsin is timeless. Even though we are in the modern era of phones and technology, every time that I visit the Midwest, I am able to slow down and appreciate the immediate. And that is how I want viewers to feel when they watch Freedom, Wisconsin. Take a chance to slow down, be in the moment, and enjoy an old-fashioned (brandy, of course). I can almost taste the cheese curds.”

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Molly’s film will be screening at the 2024 Nevada Women’s Film Fest in Las Vegas on June 19th - 23rd. You can purchase your tickets here.

Want to get to know Molly better? Check out her recent interview here!

Photos and film poster design by Jill Petracek.