Lucky Day's High Summer Happy Hour!

Lucky Day Happy Hour Lead

It hurts us to say it but, “summer happened”... past tense. Fall is in the air, kids are back in school, and football is blitzing the screens of your local sports bar. But it was good while it lasted, wasn’t it? We just hope you got just the right balance of sunburns, sun-kissed river days, beachsides, kite flying, low-lying, and any other long day-dependent enjoyment you could’ve hoped for. We sure did! Or at least we tried our best.

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Before summer came to an end we took the opportunity to throw a happy hour for some of our friends and colleagues. It was hosted on the back patio of Portland’s Someday Lounge on a warm Tuesday evening in August. We got to connect with a whole host of people we normally only interact with via video, text, and email. And you know what? This in-person thing - there really is something to it.

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Speeches were made, drinks were drunk, and it’d be safe to say everyone had a really nice time. Please email [email protected] if the party wasn’t up to your standards. 😉 We are already looking forward to the next one. We don’t even have to wait until next summer!

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