Fresh Cut: Kyle von Hoetzendorff

Meet Kyle
Nickname: KV
Astrological sign: Leo, Scorpio, Scorpio
Favorite color: A nice royal blue and a bright vibrant yellow.
Movies? Or what movies inspire you? What a tough question. The movies that I am currently thinking about - Decision to Leave, Banshees of Inisherin, Triangle of Sadness, Wages of Fear/Sorcerer, Killing of a Chinese Bookie, Army of Shadows, Romancing the Stone, The Burbs - so many, too many... never too many. There are so many incredible ways to tell stories.
Bands: At the moment I am really enjoying Cleaners from Venus, Modern Nature, Marine Girls, Jeff Parker, and Tonstartssbandht.
Favorite song? What's your history with it? All time? A split between AC/DC's "If You Want Blood" or Pavement's "Summer Babe - Winter Version" and Hound Dog Taylor's "Let's Get Funky"... these all came to me at different parts of my life - ACDC when I was a teen and listening to all sorts of punk rock and then this jam [Hound Dog Taylor] just came from nowhere and was just like pure electric energy. I came to Pavement after their popularity wave had already kinda crashed, and so I got to just check them out for myself - the lyrics and looseness of the playing especially in the earlier albums didn't take away from my appreciation but only increased it - there is kind of a messy ambiguity but still pop part of their music that has just stayed with me. Hound Dog Taylor - what a groove.

Favorite foods? Tough question. I don't think I have a favorite... but my default answer for "what should we eat" is pizza. So maybe that's my favorite? Dunno, a nice savory toast really just checks all the boxes.
Favorite places to eat? My current Portland favorites have got to be Sweedeedee, Oma's Hideaway, or Old Pal. They are wonderful environments with great food and friends to boot.
Favorite places on earth? Hmmm, I grew up in Bishop, California - which is a little, high desert town on the east side of the Sierras. While I don't get the chance to visit that much, I appreciate the bright clear days...maybe that's the Portland winters getting to me. Also Italy. Just... Italy.
Who would you like to meet? The first person that came to mind is Rashida Talib. I think for progressives and committed politics she's amazing and I do like her matter-of-fact approach and no-BS style.
Three people to have dinner with? They can be dead or alive.
Ursula Le Guin, Bell Hooks, Mark Fisher - Just to be able to hear the discussion, what an incredible treat.
What are you most proud of? Pride, heh, this is a tough one. I think likely when I have the chance to help someone or something and I take it, even though it might take away from "me" time. I guess I am proud when I turn "me" time into "we" time.
What is something you want to work on? Living in the moment, appreciating the time that is happening right now. The cool thing about this is that it's an ongoing, at-every-moment project. Lots to work on, hopefully.
What is something you dream of doing? Volunteering, learning, painting landscapes, taking a year to travel around, writing a movie, publishing a story...

On Editing
Why do you edit? For me, it is the synthesis of singular creative storytelling and social collaboration - an editor is part of this huge organism that comes together to bring a project to fruition so it's social and collaborative and, at the very same time, it can be a lot of "headphone time", a singular process of building edits, problem-solving, heightening, and creating. The social and solo combination is incredibly appealing.
Anything you want to share? What are we missing... what should we (the world) know? I did really like the book, "The Dawn of Everything". Check it out if you haven't.

See Kyle's work here