Fresh Cut: Zach Jones

Meet Zach
Nickname: Tiger Lily
Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Favorite color? All of the blues 💙
Favorite movies? Or what movies inspire you? So so so many. It's hard to pick one as a favorite. Small Change, Raging Bull, The Conversation, All That Jazz, Barry Lyndon, Fight Club, There Will Be Blood. Bottle Rocket was the film that inspired me to get into this business in the first place.
Bands? The Walkmen, De La Soul, Parquet Courts
Favorite song? What's your history with it? "Nowhere Man" by The Beatles. My Dad bought me a cassette tape of Rubber Soul one summer to, as he put it, "enlighten me." I wore out that tape. It was the first time in my life I listened to a piece of music, and an album, that felt bigger than just a regular pop song. I still love that album. Also "When Will They Shoot" by Ice Cube. A kid I was sitting next to on the bus coming back from school handed me his headphones and it melted my brain. I'll never forget that.
Favorite Foods? Sandwiches. There's nothing better than a good sandwich.
Favorite Places To Eat? The kitchen island when the kids are asleep. Hold Fast (RIP), The Peanut in KC, Taste Tickler and Oma's Hideaway
Favorite Places On Earth? Cinque Terre. Can't a guy just want to hike around eat gelato and lay on the beach?
Who would you like to meet? Eric Cantona
Three people to have dinner with? They can be dead or alive. George Saunders, Kurt Vonnegut, Thelma Schoonmaker. Three brilliant people that I feel like listening to for hours on end.
What is something you dream of doing? I've been saving money for the last three years to take my family to a World Cup final. I think I have about 1,200 more days to go. 😉

On Editing
Why do you edit? I love everything about editing, but overall I edit to feel inspired. I love the people we collaborate with and the stories we get to tell. And in that process, even when we're in the trenches, there are moments when I do lift my head above it all and realize, how lucky and fortunate we are to be able to do this job.
What is something you want to work on? I'd love to work on a feature film. I've had some really great experience with long-form work over the last few years, I'd love to dip a toe in.
What are you most proud of?
Starting Lucky Day. I started the company when I was a freelancer because I wanted to build something bigger than myself and to give opportunities to editors in the same way that people gave me. We still have a ways to go, but I'm so proud of the progress we've made so far.

Check out Zach's work here!