Match Cut: Rachel Gardell

Who am I?
Name? Rachel Christine Gardell
Nickname? Rach, Rachie, Ragel
Astrological Sign? ☼Scorpio, ↑Virgo, 🌔Pisces
Favorite color? I thought I was done filling out profiles like this in my life but here you go... Red, black, purple, green, and turquoise.
Favorite movies? What movies inspire you? Bridesmaids, The Other Guys, Shawshank Redemption, the Nolan Batmans, the Daniel Craig Bonds, The Wedding Singer, and the entire Fast & Furious saga. I'm inspired by movies that brilliantly use music and make me think about them long after they are over - looking at you Everything Everywhere.
Bands? This one is going to show that I am alllllll over the map when it comes to muzak but here you go - Beyoncè, Rhye, The Weepies, Fleetwood Mac, Portugal. The Man, Aerosmith, Simon & Garfunkel, Bonnie Raitt, Outkast, Patty Griffin, Carole King, Louis Prima, Notorious B.I.G, Steely Dan, Electric Light Orchestra, Whitney Houston, so many...
Song? What's your history with it? That is tough - what type of song? Breakup? Pump up? Classic rock? Celtic warbling? Church hymn? Since I'm told I can't get out of this then I guess "Island in the Sun" reminds me of the summer after senior year of high school and all the freedom and fun with friends. "This Must Be the Place" is on most of my playlists. "Love on Top" makes me sing and dance and "The Chain" is what I always crank all the way up and scream along to in the car.
Foods? I always want to eat Mexican or Thai food because I'm team savory allllll day.

Three people to have dinner with? They can be dead or alive. Tina Fey because there are so many things Liz Lemon said that I screamed at the TV "Get out of my head!" Carol Burnett because she was a pioneering and steadfast woman in comedy. Michelle Obama because Michelle Obama.
Favorite places to eat? I love restaurants that are a sure shot for delicious food every time: Nong's, Güero, Hat Yai, Dame, Sweedeedee, Quaintrelle, Tamale Boy, Ranch, Blue Fin Sushi.
What is something you dream of doing?
I dream of setting foot on all 7 continents. I've got 5 already with my 6th coming for my birthday next month. I dream of leaving a lasting legacy of compassion and humor, and of being the "faunt" (fun Aunt) until I drop dead.
Favorite places on Earth? Yikes this one is tough - Probably Priest Lake, ID because it was the lake I spent a lot of time on as a kid and the water is so clear and cold. It's a mountain lake so there are beautiful forests all around it. Think Couer D'Alene before the Kardashians ruined it. The other would be the Bioluminescent Bay in Vieques, Puerto Rico - I've never shrieked like a child in wonder at any place like I did there. The Oregon Coast on a warm sunny day is pretty hard to beat as well.

On Producing
Why do you produce? Totally clichèd but because I love it. It fits my personality and I love working with a wide variety of people towards a common goal.
What is something you want to work on? A feature film.
What do you think are important characteristics of a good post-producer? Patience, empathy, organization, humor, and a stiff spine.
What is your biggest challenge as a post-producer? When clients and/or teams get out of alignment on expectations and when personalities on a team clash.
What are you most proud of? I hate this question so much because I would like to think I haven't done or achieved it yet. If forced to answer now - I know I'm a really damn good friend and I'm someone who shows up for the people in my life.
Anything you want to share? Promote? Highlight? You're doing your best and that's enough!

More Rachel Gardell here